
10 Easy-to-Grow Houseplants for Beginners In 2024

Houseplants can transform any indoor space by bringing natural beauty, fresh oxygen, and positive energy into your home. If you’re a beginner plant parent, starting with easy-care plants that can tolerate low light and irregular watering is key. I’ve rounded up 10 hard-to-kill houseplants that are perfect for beginners. From low-maintenance succulents to vibrant flowering plants, these beauties will thrive with just a little TLC. Read on for tips on light, water, and care for each pick. With this guide, anyone can succeed at growing houseplants. In this article we talk about 10 Easy-to-Grow Houseplants for Beginners In 2024.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

With sword-shaped, architectural leaves, the snake plant is a classic houseplant. Native to tropical West Africa, it tolerates low light and sparse watering, making it nearly impossible to kill. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. The snake plant prefers bright, indirect light but can survive in darker corners. Fun fact: snake plants filter airborne toxins and release oxygen at night, making them perfect bedroom plants.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Known for its cascading vines and heart-shaped leaves, pothos is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. It is capable of surviving a wide range of light, water, and temperature conditions. However, it thrives in bright, indirect light. Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry. The vibrant golden pothos and marbled varieties are just as easy to grow as the classic green. Pothos looks beautiful trailing from hanging baskets or climbing support structures.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Native to eastern Africa, the ZZ plant has waxy, oval-shaped leaves that emerge from thick underground rhizomes. It can survive prolonged neglect, making it nearly indestructible for forgetful plant parents. ZZ thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light. Water only when the top few inches of soil become dry. Overwatering is the main danger for this drought-resistant plant. The ZZ’s exotic, tropical foliage looks stunning in minimalist, modern spaces.

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Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Known for its gorgeous white blooms, the peace lily is another resilient houseplant. When this plant needs water, its leaves droop to signal you. Provide bright, indirect light or moderate shade. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Peace lilies also act as indoor air filters, targeting pollutants such as mold, benzene, and formaldehyde. Their large, glossy leaves and delicate flowers look elegant in any home.

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese evergreens are colorful houseplants with intriguing patterns on their leaves. With proper care, they grow rapidly to maturity. Provide bright or medium indirect light. Water when the surface layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Maintain the soil slightly moist, avoiding it becoming soggy. These tropical plants enjoy warm temperatures of 60°F to 85°F and moderate to high humidity. With their vibrant foliage, Chinese evergreens make excellent (and easy!) accent plants.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Jade plants are succulents native to South Africa. With their thick, rounded leaves and tree-like growth habit, they make excellent compact houseplants. Jades thrive in bright indoor or outdoor light with some direct sun. Allow the soil to dry out completely between thorough waterings. Jade plants are susceptible to overwatering, which causes leaves to drop. But if you provide great drainage and don’t overwater, they will thrive for years.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants have long, arching leaves with white stripes radiating from the center, resembling spiders. As they mature, spider plants send out runners with baby spiderettes. Provide bright to medium, indirect light and water when soil is partly dry. Spider plants are sensitive to fluoride and salts in tap water and benefit from rain, distilled, or filtered water. Allow them to slightly dry out between waterings. Spider plants remove airborne formaldehyde, making them ideal for bedrooms and office spaces.

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Succulents come in endless shapes, sizes, and colors, but most share a love of bright light and fast-draining soil. Popular indoor varieties include Echeveria, aloe vera, burro’s tail, and hen and chicks. Most succulents hail from hot, dry regions and store water in their leaves or stems. Nearly all require a sandy cactus/succulent soil mix. Wait for soil to dry out completely between waterings, then soak the pot thoroughly. Provide as much bright, direct light as possible. With the right conditions, succulents will thrive for years.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Native to Central Africa, lucky bamboo features sturdy, upright stems topped with slender green leaves. Despite its name, it’s not a true bamboo but a resilient member of the Dracaena genus. Lucky bamboo adapts well to a range of indirect light. Place stems in a vase filled with rocks and just enough water to cover the roots. Top off water as needed. Avoid soaking stems or allowing water to become foul. Lucky bamboo makes an easy feng shui friendly plant. Just don’t overwater it!

Air Plants (Tillandsia species)

Air plants are epiphytes, meaning they get water and nutrients from the air and require no soil. With silver-green or rainbow-colored leaves, air plants are utterly fascinating. Mount them on wood or display in seashells. Mist air plants with water twice a week and soak for a few hours every two weeks. Ensure they dry upside down. Provide bright, indirect light. With minimal care, air plants will reward you with exotic, otherworldly beauty.


I hope this list of 10 easy-growing houseplants for beginners has inspired you to welcome more plants into your home! With a little TLC, these hard-to-kill beauties will soon be thriving. Remember to provide the proper light, moderate water based on each plant’s needs, well-draining soil (if applicable), and regular fertilizing during growing season. Soon you’ll have a lush indoor jungle! Let your new plant hobby and passion for these easy-care greens blossom. I sincerely hope you find this “10 Easy-to-Grow Houseplants for Beginners In 2024” article helpful.

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